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Farm to Book Storytime teaches your children about the sources of their food – how it is produced, grown, and transported from farm to table.  It also introduces new foods and flavors from different cultures and countries to help your children learn about how people use food to celebrate and share with one another. We make these concepts accessible and fun for young children by using children’s literature read by a Spoons Across America Food Educator. 

In each video, there are foods that we encourage you to have your children taste and explore, and that correlate to the food discussed in the book. After watching a Farm to Book Storytime video, we recommend that you give your children the opportunity to smell, taste, and talk about the new and unfamiliar foods mentioned in the book and learn about different cultures and their customs. Learning about new foods and tasting them will inspire your children to become adventurous eaters and to develop curiosity about taste, where their food is grown and how different cultures use spices, and fresh ingredients in their cooking.

Farm to Book storytime

What is Farm to Book Storytime?
Once a month Spoons Across America will post a new video where one of our Food Educators reads a food-themed storybook that your children can view online. Along with each video, there are activity sheets for you to do with your children, as well as recommended foods for your children to taste after they watch the video. The activity sheets are based on each storybook and are an exciting way for your children to learn about the food they eat.  To help your children through their food exploration, we recommend purchasing the food item ahead of time so your child can taste the food directly after watching the video. This program is designed to include vegetables and fruits that can be found in any grocery store.

What types of books will be read in Farm to Book Storytime?
These picture books focus on a range of culinary, health, and agriculture-related topics including local and seasonal foods, information about plants (parts of a plant, how a seed grows), foods of different cultures, and nutrition. 

What age group is recommended for this program?
Farm to Book Storytime is recommended for children ages 6 to 7, but it can be used with a wider range of learners ages 5 to 8. 

What is the cost of the program?
The cost to receive updates of Farm to Book Storytime videos is free.

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